Franklin maintains a great relationship with the Master Tailor that trained him, using his studio as a workplace. Where our service and garments differ from both his master’s and other operation’s, is entirely in our unwavering adherence to the traditional standards that define a bespoke garment. These standards are very rarely, if at all, even being considered, practiced and offered in Canada anymore. So, in the spirit of staying true to the most traditional understanding of what bespoke clothing should be, we offer and guarantee the following:
A one-of-one real hard paper pattern drafted entirely from scratch on a client by client basis. No blocks used, or referenced whatsoever.
The measuring, drafting and cutting of your garment by Franklin to ensure continuity from fitting to construction.
Individually drafted, custom built canvases.
Hand-padded lapels and hand attached collars.
A minimum of three fittings, with final delivery averaging around 16 weeks from commission.
Extensive hand finishing throughout.
Limitless design opportunities and options. Absolutely nothing is off the table.
All construction done entirely under one roof right here in Toronto, Canada. No outsourcing or subcontracting to other makers.
Bespoke Process
Stage 1: Consultation
The process begins with an initial meeting. Whether this is at your home, our studio, your office, or even in a café or restaurant is entirely left up to you. Wherever the meeting takes place, we have a chat that will generally cover your history, current wardrobe, career, social life, future aspirations and if the commission is being made with any special occasion in mind.

Stage 2: Measurement & Styling
After getting a sense of who you are and what your life looks like, we will take a look at the library of fabric books and whittle down the potential choices together until we settle on the perfect swatch for your specific garment. We will make recommendations on styling and design features informed by your physical build, complexion, and lifestyle, paired with our knowledge and experience in tailored garment design and styling.
We finally break out the tape measures and begin taking our 32 separate points of measure, considering your individual build, stance, posture and all the small intricacies that are entirely individual to you.
Stage 3: First Fitting
The next stage comes about three weeks after the initial consultation, where we will meet again and you will be presented with the first phase of your garment. The front and back of the jacket are sewn together and the canvas is basted on. We take notes on the fitting of the suit, while paying special attention to the armhole depth and proportions of the jacket.

Stage 4: Second Fitting
We then take the garment back, tear it apart, recut it as needed and put it back together with the sleeves basted on. The trousers are also presented basted, without the waistband and pockets. The second fitting occurs within three weeks from the first. Small adjustments are noted and made. The proportions for the pockets and lapel width are determined and drawn on with chalk.
Stage 5: Third Fitting
After the second fitting, the pockets are cut and installed, lapel facings are basted on, and the sleeves are hemmed. During this try-on, the shape of the lapel and collar, and any last minute edits are marked and finalized. We then take the commission and attach the lining, sew final seams, and finish the lapel and collar.